Exhibit “5 activities” products in Tokyo Big Sight!

"5 activities" (Raise body temperature/Keep Gut healthy/Good quality sleep/Strengthen Bone/Work out) are foundation for women's health.

"5 activities" products are essential for women's lifestyle and we will gather them and hold seminars in terms of "5 activities" in Tokyo Big Sight.

There will be the "5 activities" area and you can expand your business in Japan.

If you want to exhibit, please click the following URL.


★Click here to exhibit!

The "5 activities" area attract visitors and accelerate your business!


You can promote your products in your booths and the "5 activities" area.

There will be a lot of products such as Supplement for good quality sleep, Sauna equipment to raise body temperature, Electric device to move muscle etc.

We shared a part of them. Please click the following URL


★Click here to find "5 activities" products!

Let's Pre-register!

The biggest Beauty and Health exhibitions will be in Autumn.

We promise you meet the cutting-edge Beauty and Wellness business.

Please pre-register from below.

【Show Outline】

Title: Diet & Beauty Fair 2024 (23rd edition) / Well-beauty Style 2024 (1st edition)

Date: 30 September (Mon.) ~ 2 October (Wed.) 10:00~17:00

Venue: Tokyo Big Sight Exhibition Center

Please click here to pre-register!